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I registered on the site less than 2 months ago because I got addicted to the blog articles of the wise owner. I found your point of view reassuring, going completely against of all the rubbish about building a relationship that newly established coaches, matchmakers, and fake gurus are promoting. And recently I got married to a man who I consider my ideal and with whom we connected on this site. We met at the moment when both of us already had some negative experiences of . I already had a meeting with a man where there was no chemistry, and he flew to Ukraine to a girl who didn't show herself in any other way than taking him shopping, to restaurants and night clubs for 3 days. So, we were talking, not really believing in success, more like friends. The more we got to know each other, the more we realized that we speak the same language and live the same values. This is why when he invited me to London for a few days, I accepted his invitation. We had a funny agreement beforehand that we would spend these 3 days as we wanted to, and on the last day would go to amusement rides if we decided to stay friends, or go for a dinner in a nice restaurant if we concluded that we wanted something more. We were nearly too late for the restaurant as we overslept, and in another month I again flew to see him. Then we were meeting nearly every month — his visit to me, vacationing together overseas, and as the result my move to London, first on a student visa, where he, again, like during the previous meetings, paid for expenses. During Christmas we went for a vacation, after which I was supposed to fly back to Russia for a couple of weeks to close down my company, which could no longer operate without me. This is when my man told me that he wanted me to go home as his fiancée, and gave me a ring. We registered our marriage in London, exactly a year after we connected online. Now we are completing the paperwork, so for the next 6 months I will not be able to leave UK. It is true that project "Russian wife" is long, expensive, and complicated, but we are happy that we are together, and we dream about having a proper church wedding with guests as soon as we complete all the paperwork. I want to tell all the girls on this site to look for the one who is right for them, without compromising. My husband told me that many women wrote to him, desperately wanting to get married, without proper understanding of their motives, and I was one of not many ladies who seemed self-sufficient but at the same time not arrogant. I can say he is a real man, and he keeps surprising me every day. By the way, he has only been living in London for 5 years, as he is Hungarian, so our backgrounds are somewhat close. your site is an opportunity to enrich one's understanding of the world, meet interesting people and find love, and we both want to thank you for that. And a big separate thank you for sharing your experience with us. My husband said that buying Platinum membership on your site was one of the best investments of his life))). Anna (Russia) and Ioan (UK)

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